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Epilepsy Support Network



A society that values human dignity and enhances both physical, and emotional wellbeing for all.




To establish and maintain a caring peer support network, consisting of persons with seizure disorders, for the purposes of self-help, peer counseling or weekly maintenance that will fit the needs of each individual. To advocate for community programs and services for people with seizure disorders and to enhance maintain and promote the emotional wellbeing of all individuals through education in this area, in the city of London. We are a non-profit organization with a community focus. Our mission is achieved through peer support, education, social action and advocacy. Wherever possible, we will carry out our activities in partnership with other organizations and individuals. Certain fundamental shared values are at the heart of our mission. They unite our communities and provide inspiration for the organization’s goals and objectives. An organization is strengthened when these values are reviewed from time to time, thus reaffirming that they are, in fact, guiding the organization.



We value social justice. We believe that social justice includes a commitment to a basic sense of fairness, a respect for differences among people, and that every human being deserves an equal opportunity in life.


We value individual and collective responsibility. We believe that both individuals and society as a whole share in the tasks of informing the public, eliminating stigma, and caring for those individuals who need or want help.


We value access to appropriate and adequate resources/supports. We believe that people require friendships and other natural support. When formal supports are needed, people should be able to choose the least intrusive option from a comprehensive range of appropriate services, without undue delay, and as close to their home as possible.


We value self-determination. We respect differences among people and the right of every individual and community to make choices and decisions based on unique individual beliefs and community norms. Basic to this right of self-determination is the need of people to be involved in decisions, which affect their lives.


We value community integration. Community integration of all people is an essential prerequisite to the development of healthy communities. We are committed to removing the barriers that prevent people, especially those with seizure disorders, from fully participating in the life of the community.


We believe that our day-to-day activities must be true to our shared values and beliefs, and dedicated to promoting public trust and a sense of confidence within the network.



We value partnership. Partnership is dependent upon shared values and the cooperative efforts of all those working towards a responsive and accessible health system. One important partnership includes peers, families, service providers and the community. As a whole, we are committed to sharing, and view participation and partnership as essential to realizing our goals and objectives.


We value excellence. We are committed to developing and maintaining the highest possible standards of management and operation to ensure that our services meet the needs and expectations of the community.


We value accountability. We are non-profit, guided by our shared mission, values, goals and objectives. As an organization, we are committed to using our funds as effectively as possible, and to being open to the highest standards of public scrutiny.

We value creativity. As an organization, we must encourage innovative ideas and new ways of doing things that are responsive to changing attitudes and needs in the community as well as to ongoing organizational changes.


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